In terms of culture, t ambelos (Bactronophorus thoracites and Bankia orcutti) are used as a special entry food for local custome rituals and both snails (Telecopium telescopiu, Nerita balteata, dan Naqueita capicana) and shells (Geloina cf coaxan dan Geloina, sp) are used as a special main menu for lokal costume rituals.

The results showed that the TSS has significant intangible benefits for culture and health of Mimika’s estuary community. The data collected covers socio-economic of the family, perception of subjects on cultural and health benefits of the TSS, and ways to consume the TSS.

For this purpose 158 people of the 12 estuary villages, which consist of children (1-11 yrs), teenages (12-19 yrs) and adults (>20 yrs) from both sexes, were selected as subjects. This study is aimed to analyse the perception of local community at estuary of Mimika on culture and health benefits of consuming the TSS. Mollusca such as tambelo – a mangrove worm, snail and shell (TSS) contain essential amino acids and micronutrients required for optimum health. Some local foods have cultural and health benefits. Hardinsyah 1, Agus Sumule 2, John Letsoin 2 dan Jaan Barausau 3ġ Staf Pengajar Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA), IPBĢ Staf Pengajar Fakultas Pertanian (Faperta),Universitas Papua.ģ Staf Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH), Kabupaten Mimika. ( Perception on Curtural and Health Benefit of Consuming Typical Molluscas by Mimika’s Estuary Community, Papua) PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TENTANG MANFAAT BUDAYA DAN KESEHATAN MENGONSUMSI TAMBELO, SIPUT DAN KERANG DI MIMIKA, PAPUA Keywords: snail and shell, mollusca, intake, estuary, Papua. This implies that the MSS play important roles in the diet of the local people of Mimika’s estuary.

Intake data by village showed that, the highest intake of tambelo was in male of Mioko ( 542.1± 730.8 g/week), t he highest intake of snail was in female of Karaka ( 649.2± 487.9 g/week), and so for shell (599.8± 484.0 g/week). Among the age groups, the highest intake of tambelo ( 433.2± 627.5 g/week ) and snail ( 133.8± 387.9 g/week ) was in adults, but the highest intake of shell ( 213.7± 369.7 g/week ) was in teenages. The mean intake of tambelo, snail and shell was 290.1± 509.4, 96.0± 271.2, and 152.8± 278.6 g/week respectively in edible portion. The results showed that Bactronophorus thoracites (tambelo), Nerita balteata (snail) and Telecopium telescopium (snail), Naqueita capulina (snail) and Geloina sp (shell), Geloina cf coaxan (shell) were the six types of MSS commonly consumed by people in the study areas and they were consumed by more than 10 % of the subjects with eating frequency more than three times a week for each. The data collected include socio-economic of the family, type and amount of MSS consumption. About 30 people for each village – consist of children (2-10 yrs), teenages (11-19 yrs) and adults (>=20 yrs) from both sexes, were selected as subjects. This study is intended to analyse type and amount of MSS (Mangrove worm, Snail and Shell) consumed by the local people live in 12 estuary villages of Mimika. Hardinsyah 1, Agus Sumule 2 dan John Letsoin 2ġ Staf Pengajar Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA), IPB.Ģ Staf Pengajar Fakultas Pertanian (Faperta), Universitas Papua. ( Type and Amount of Mangrove Worm, Snail and Shell Consumed by People Live in Mimika’s Estuary, Papua) JENIS DAN JUMLAH KONSUMSI TAMBELO, SIPUT DAN KERANG OLEH PENDUDUK DI KAWASAN MUARA MIMIKA, PAPUA